NUOPERI – Preserving the Tradition of Youth Work

By preserving history, Nuoperi collects past futures.

Nuoperi collects and preserves material connected to youth work in Finland. Material includes documents, photos and interviews, which are archived and provided for use for scientists, policy makers and anyone interested in youth work.

Nuoperis everyday life is about collecting knowledge by conducting interviews and questionnaires and archiving and digitizing material donations. We publish research, instructions and information to help youth workers better understand the field by preserving the history of their work. Actively participating in youth work events allows us to keep up to date in the changing youth work environment.

We always have at least one special project, which is connected to a specific subject in youth work. Our latest project is to get our photographs to the Regional Museum of Southwest Finland’s Aina digital archive. Through Aina you can also find the ever-growing collection of photographs in National Library’s archive.

The projects have resulted in e.g. a touring exhibition on the decades of youth work and many publications. In English you can read “Swings, films, clubs and tattoos – an ethnographic approach to youth culture”, which is one of our first publications.

The national project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture began in 2002.

Contact us

Arcanum, Vatselankatu 2

Minna Heikkinen +358 40 356 7299
Terhi Lehtonen +358 40 684 5382
E-mail: first name.last name (at)